
Lafuente Medical Transportation Corporate website

The day when the ambulances
needed us

"...So you are saying that you are calling from the ambulance company and that you have an emergency? That you need a new website? One that feels closer, that showcases all the services on offer, and which speaks directly to the final purchaser? Why yes, of course. Do not worry, we are sending you a designer right away. Hang on just a bit."

With more than 30 years of experience Lafuente is one of the most relevant medical transportation companies in our neck of the woods, and precisely for that reason they needed to have a correspondingly quality website.

User profile selection, selección perfil de usuario, selecció perfil d'usuari

The proposal consisted of a profile-oriented corporate site, whereby depending on the profile that the user selects, the site displays one information or another.

testimonial i selecció de serveis, testimonial and service selection, testimonial y selección de servicios

One of the main objectives was to highlight the technical quality of its fleet, but also the human quality of its personnel, by including testimonials, verbalizations and opinions that portrayed a company which focuses on people.

detalles flota ambulancias, detail ambulance fleet

The project had a completely commercial focus, selecting only the information most suitable for each potential client, whether coming from the public or the private sector. Not one word too many, not one less.

Do you like what you see?

If you think that we can help you in a similar project, fill in your details and we will get back to you shortly. We will love to learn about what you are working on.