
Rubí Brilla Projecte Comerç Sostenible

Savings for oneself
and savings for the planet

Every business is unique. But they all need energy to run on. For this reason, through the Rubí Brilla project, the Rubí City Council launched the Sustainable Commerce Initiative, which helps businesses save energy through individualized plans. And, incidentally, help the planet.

Campaign poster

At Broccoli we took care of promoting the initiative through an informative campaign that invited all businesses in the city, without exception, to sign up.

To encourage them, what better way than to interview those who had already taken part in previous editions of this project and who could explain how they were doing now.

It was all about showing, through brief clips, how energy is wasted in the places that one least expects, and that avoiding such waste benefits us all.

Brochure efficient use of energy in the retail sector

We successfully developed a complete multi-channel campaign that included backlit street billboards, posters, brochures, newsletters and digital ads, as well as through social network actions using posts and informative videos. And most importantly, we saved the world some energy.

E-mail newsletter campaign for efficient energy use


Facebook post example

Facebook post

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